Holistic Cancer Congress

The second annual Holistic Cancer Congress (HCC), took place in Penrose, Auckland on March 16-17. A range of local and international speakers addressed topics such as Options to improve results with orthodox medical treatments How diet may influence the development

Travel assistance

If you, or a family member, need to travel long distances – or frequently – to see a specialist, then you may be eligible for help with expenses under the National Travel Assistance Scheme. These expenses may include travel, accommodation

Breast prosthesis subsidy

The Breast Prosthesis Service Payment is payment to people who have undergone a partial or full mastectomy, either unilateral or bilateral, and/or have undergone a lumpectomy, have congenital needs, or have had failed reconstructive surgery, as specified by a specialist


Keep informed on what we are up to and areas where we can help. Contact us to be added to our Newsletter e-mailing list Current Newsletter May 2012 Past issues October 2011 October 2010 June 2010   BCAC – Breast Cancer

Pink Program

Rehabilitation for women with cancer   The PINC Cancer rehabilitation Program is dedicated to helping women diagnosed with cancer regain their physical strength, improve their confidence and incorporate exercise into their daily life. Personalised treatment sessions often include pilates, physiotherapy,